Transaction History: Categories I can Find

At Betano, you can view different kinds of transaction histories related to various financial activities and betting actions in your account. Some of the transaction histories you can see, include:

Deposit History: This shows a record of all the deposits you have made into your Betano account. It includes the date, time, amount, and payment method used for each deposit.

Withdrawal History: This displays a list of all the withdrawals you have requested from your Betano account. It includes the date, time, amount, and payment method used for each withdrawal.

Bet History: This shows a detailed record of all your sport bets. It includes the date, time, event, bet amount, odds, and outcome of each bet.

Casino: This displays a detailed history of all your casino bets. It includes the date, time, game, and the bet amount.

Other: This provides an overview of your general transactions.

To access these transaction histories, you can typically sign in to your Betano account, go to the My Account section, and then navigate to the History > Transactions tab. From there, you can select the specific type of transaction history you wish to review and view the relevant details.

To access the bonus history, please go to the Promotions section.

If you have further questions or need assistance, please check the bottom of the current page and contact us through the available means of your choice.


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