Types of Bets | SOLO | AKO | SuperKombi

You can choose from three types of bets: SOLO, AKO, SuperKombi.

For a SOLO bet, you can select the betting opportunity you want and submit it. Your winnings are calculated based on your deposit and the odds at the time the bet is placed.

AKO is a type of bet that combines more than one betting opportunity. Winnings are calculated based on the total odds of the bets on the ticket (multiplication of all individual betting odds) and your deposit. The ticket only wins if all the selections are correct.

SuperKombi bet combines 3 or more betting opportunities in individual groups. You can place bets in the "Multiples" fields at the bottom of the ticket.

The biggest difference between an AKO and a Superkombi bet is that the second can win, even if not all selections are correct, depending on the distribution of bets into individual groups.

Tutovky in SuperKombi

  • Within SuperKombi, you can assign your tips to the Tutovky group marked with the letter T
  • Group T contains betting opportunities that the bettor is convinced will come out
  • If group T is part of SuperKombi, it will be part of all combinations
  • In case of any mistake in group T, the whole ticket will be lost


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